Which Tesla Roadster color would you buy?
Tesla Roadster is available in White, Red, Black and 9 more expected colors.
Which color Tesla Roadster would you buy? There are 12 in all. Below are pictures of each Roadster color. Comment on which one you’d select.
Pearl White Tesla Roadster:
Seems like more and more white car paint has become the preferred color for many in USA. Tesla takes white to a whole new level with their Tesla Roadster in White. I don’t think I’ve seen white on a car ever look so amazing!
Red Tesla Roadster
There is no denying it. A super sports car in Red color is just classic. The trend originally set by Ferrari carries into other brands including Tesla. The Tesla Roadster with 3-d red color is pure beauty.
Black Tesla Roadster
Midnight Silver Metallic Tesla Roadster
Black Metallic Tesla Roadster
Blue Metallic Tesla Roadster
Silver Metallic Tesla Roadster
Very Orange Tesla Roadster
Brilliant Yellow Tesla Roadster
Glacier Blue Tesla Roadster
Electric Blue Tesla Roadster
Green Lotus Tesla Roadster
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