Which is the Quickest (not Fastest) Tesla Car?

Lloyd Jacob
2 min readAug 24, 2018


Oh, the thrill of going fast. We all grew up watching TV shows with car chases, we saw car races on TV and of course magazines with exotic cars for insane prices.

I know I couldn’t afford a car that went 0–60 in less than 4 seconds. That’s the speed uber exotic cars reach and that means I need to spend upwards of $150,000 to go that fast. I am not that rich :)

But wait… that’s no longer the case.

Tesla Model S P series does 0–60 mph in 2.5 seconds, some car testing sites claim as low as 2.3 seconds. Whats even crazier is that private owners have stripped all the non-essential items (like seats and insulation, etc) to get a Tesla to reach 0–60 in 2 seconds!

The best part… I can afford to buy one.

I checked www.teslacarsearch.com, www.autotrader.com, and www.carmax.com. I found Model S P90D for as low as $84,000, with only 11K miles. Don’t believe me? Below are screenshots I took from www.teslacarsearch.com

Think about this, for less than $90K, you get a car that can beat the majority of Ferrari’s, Audi R8, Mercedes AMGs, Lamborghini’s. Plus you can do it with 3 other passengers, and luggage in the trunk.

So, if you are like me and want your speed fix on a daily basis, buy a Tesla P model. You won’t regret it.



Lloyd Jacob
Lloyd Jacob

Written by Lloyd Jacob

Entrepreneurship, startups, cars, marketing and career advice from me.

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